New Album - I Went But Didn't Stay There
Available via multiple streaming platforms
Limited edition cassette is also available via Bandcamp
About the album
This album, my first instrumental album, lies somewhere between my life/days and my crafts.
For the last year or so, I have visited, and sometimes lived in, a few different places. In each place, I recorded some sounds and made these 10 songs with them. It is half audio diary but it still is a collection of music pieces, something to enjoy listening to first and foremost.
This is very personal in many ways.
It is purely driven by my self-exploration. Locations and sounds were subjectively picked by my intuition. I wrote, recorded, mixed and mastered almost entirely by myself. There are two amazing contributors and they have provided great sounds for the songs that represent specific time or location they are related to.
This is, to me, the fundamental principle of creating; keep things personal. I believe it in turn makes the output more universally appealing.
Did this album achieve that goal? I am not sure. But I just hope you find these songs interesting.
And may there be something you can take with you from them.
New EP - Smaller, the Long-Awaited Summer
Out on multiple streaming platforms
It has been little more than half a year since I left my home country again.
When I set off to this sort of journey, it usually is to break myself off from
living inside my days and to see them from a bird’s-eye view.
It is definitely a strange tactic.
Regardless of the change, I am living in the life nonetheless and it does not completely let me observe it as a spectator. You could say that it almost is an experiment, throwing myself in new environment and trying to see how I react to it. In that sense, this EP is like an experiment report that describes how I have reacted, felt and thought during this period of time.
Personally, the point of making something, whether you call it art or not, is to document your days; what you have seen and experienced. Your emotions, thoughts and everything in-between.
The EP is yet another example of that.
I hope you enjoy these songs as much as I do, if not more.